C&C Gallery is a contemporary art gallery that collaborates with curators, gallerists and artists to promote and exhibit innovative and thought-provoking art by emerging and mid-career artists. We aim to build long term relationships so as to support artists who share an interest in narrative, identity and personal and cultural histories whose work is intellectually challenging and socially relevant. In addition we aim to ensure that our program attempts to address the underrepresentation of women artists within the mainstream artworld by providing young women artists with exposure, exhibition opportunities and to show work along-side more established artists. Staying true to the ethos that art has no boundaries our programme is full and varied, comprising of contemporary solo/group shows, artists’ residencies, experimental projects, performance events, art auctions, collector’s dinners and art fairs.

FORMS OF AUTONOMY Curated by Paul Carey-Kent. Bella Easton, Caroline Jane Harris, Katie Pratt & Dillwyn Smith

Getting Stressed, Making Excess Mess in Darkness
Mona Osman

Melissa Kime
Light As A Feather Stiff As A Board

‘MOTHERLAND’ by Lesley Blakelock

The Wanderer’s nightlong – Ian dawson, Gavin Turk, Cathy De Monchaux, Kate Atkin, John Greenwood, Chris Hawtin

AAARGH – David Mach

B.I.N.G.O – Henry/Bragg

Icons of Nature – Sirpa Pajunen Moghissi

Pause – Barbara Walker

Laced – Christina Neiderberger